Apr 21, 2013

Boston ... This Changes Everything?

No, no lengthy blog post on Boston and I don't think there will be much more than this brief commentary. No, my head isn't in the sand, but I can personally say I haven't gotten my mind around all that has occurred ... even before the craziness of Thursday and Friday's manhunt. The phrase that continues to ring in my mind is ... "why ... why attack the innocent?".

I definitely don't want to go without saying something though (like I'd ever keep my opinion to myself). I've been glued to every bit of the news coverage related to the story (thank you to all on Reddit for providing the most up to date everything as it unfolded). Maybe I'm waiting for the trial to begin and end or more first person interviews... I don't know what needs to happen, but I'm not there, yet...and maybe I never will be, as there is no real sense as to WHY this happened in the first place. Thankfully neither my family nor I were in Boston when this occurred...nor any close personal friends. All I can and have done about it at this point is to pray, and pray some more, for the victims, their families and friends, and anyone affected by this horrific tragedy. I encourage anyone reading this to do the same.

Initially, my thought was "this changes everything (for all future events)"..., but I've converted that statement into more of a question now. My first thoughts were born from a limited point of view, with a negative outlook. The running community has, quickly responded to this tragedy with, power, love, community, support, and strength. We're going to come out of this stronger than ever before. I'm convinced of that. I've seen more people running within my community this past week, more than I've ever seen on my daily commute. A big shift has taken place within the hearts of so many...it's obvious. Next year's marathon may be that "thing" that helps me make sense of this... the part that makes me burst into tears as we, the running community rise up to let the world know we won't take this...not now, not ever...with a triumphant return to the next Boston Marathon.

In my honest opinion, I don't think anyone sums up everyone's feelings better than Amby Burfoot; if you haven't read it yet... it's required reading. His article that can be found here: http://www.runnersworld.com/races/amby-burfoot-so-close-yet-so-far

Many remembrance runs have taken place this weekend, whether they were with an organized group or on your own, as I did. If you choose to donate money, check to make sure it is a legitimate organization first...CNN has 2 good articles on the subject -- What to Watch Out For, Bogus Charities: http://money.cnn.com/2013/04/17/pf/boston-marathon-charity/index.html?iid=EL and How To Help here: http://www.cnn.com/2013/04/16/us/iyw-boston-marathon/index.html?iid=EL

Keep praying...and keep remembering the victims, this will be a long journey for so many.

"The roads belong to us..." - Amby Burfoot

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